LGBTQ+ youth are at an exceptionally high risk of suicide


We rise by lifting others


LGBTQ+ Youth Suicide Statistics

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A to Z LGBTQ+ Glossary

This glossary was designed to house commonly used terms that are present within the LGBTQ+ community. We hope this glossary can be utilized as a resource to increase knowledge and spread awareness about individuals present within the LGBTQ+ community. Prepared by Shayla Bannert, MPH(c).

A Beginner’s Guide to LGBT+ Allyship

Did you attend the Fingerpaint University training on July 22nd, 2020? Download our resource page from the presentation here. Prepared by Lucy Dollinger and Jada Covington.


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CDC, NCIPC. Web-based Injury Statistics Query and Reporting System (WISQARS) [online]. (2010) {2013 Aug. 1}. Available

CDC. (2016). Sexual Identity, Sex of Sexual Contacts, and Health-Risk Behaviors Among Students in Grades 9-12: Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance. Atlanta, GA: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.

James, S. E., Herman, J. L., Rankin, S., Keisling, M., Mottet, L., & Anafi, M. (2016). The Report of the 2015 U.S. Transgender Survey. Washington, DC: National Center for Transgender Equality.

IMPACT. (2010). Mental health disorders, psychological distress, and suicidality in a diverse sample of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender youths. American Journal of Public Health. 100(12), 2426-32.

Kosciw, J.G. and E.M. Diaz, The 2005 National School Climate Survey: The Experiences of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Youth in Our Nation’s Schools (New York: GLSEN, 2006), 4–7,