November Election
November Election
The November election is only two weeks away and it’ll be here before you know it. Here is our voting checklist to make sure you’re all prepared for election day.
Are you registered to vote?
If yes, have you double checked that recently?
If no, there are still a few states left that you can register in:
Colorado - October 26th
Connecticut - October 27th
Iowa - October 24th
Massachusetts - October 24th
Montana - October 26th
Utah - October 23rd
Washington - October 26th
You can register or check your registration status here:
2. Do you know where your polling place is? Double check here:
3. If you’re voting by mail, have you requested your ballot yet? Double check your state’s rules on ballot requirements and make sure to follow those rules very carefully:
4. Do you know what's on your ballot? Be an informed voter and search on Ballotpedia to read up on the people and initiatives on your ballot:
5. This year’s election is going to be a little different this year due to COVID-19. Here you can check out information by state on any changes so that you can be prepared for election day:
6. VOTE and use your voice! 🗣
7. Bonus: go through this checklist with at least 5 friends and family members. You have the biggest influence over those close to you and they value your opinions. Spend some time talking with them and make sure they have their own voting plan so they’re ready to vote with pride.
Cover photo credits: @blessthemessy